Main Content
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- Evans-Agnew, R., Alexander, G.K., & Edwards, L.A. (2024). Social entrepreneurship and public health nursing knowledge: Opportunities for innovating nursing education in population health. Journal of Professional Nursing, 54, 17-23.
- Alexander, G.K., Brooks, V., & Williams, T.S. (2024). Advocacy for equitable access to nature and outdoor recreation. Journal of Nursing Education, 63, 1-4. doi:10.3928/01484834-20240424-04
- Jones, K.L., Edwards, L.A., & Alexander, G.K. (2022). Shoring up the frontline of prevention: Strengthening curriculum with community/public health nursing. American Journal of Public Health, 112(S3), S237–S240.
- Alexander, G.K., Bashore, L., & Brooks, V. (2022). Improving food literacy and access among young adult cancer survivors. Cancer Nursing, 45(2), 161-166. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000992
- Alexander, G. K., & Brooks, V. (2022). Nature-based therapeutics: A collaborative research agenda promoting equitable access and environmental stewardship. Collegian (Royal College of Nursing, Australia), 29(1), 119–124.
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- Campbell-Pierre, D., Rhea, D. J., & Baker, K. A. (2022). What is the relationship between outdoor play breaks and no play breaks on postural balance: A systematic review. Journal of Health & Physical Literacy, 1(2), 122-134.
- Singer, D., Baker, K. A., & Sapp, A. (2022). Belongingness in undergraduate/pre-licensure nursing students in the clinical learning environment: A scoping review. Nurse Education in Practice, 64(2022), 103422.
- Smith, A., Baker, K. A., & Weeks, S. (2021). Seven year outcomes of a regional evidence-based practice fellowship utilizing a collaborative academic-practice partnership. Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(9), 455-460.
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- Brooks, V. Rural Health Nursing. Health Care Delivery Systems (Chapter 2), 2022. ISBN 978-1-60595-157-7, February 2022.
- Alexander, G.K., Bashore, L., & Brooks, V. (2021). Improving food literacy among young adult cancer survivors. Cancer Nursing.
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- Gassen J., White J.D., Peterman J.L., Mengelkoch S., Proffitt Leyva R.P., Prokosch M.L., Eimerbrink M.J., Brice K., Cheek D.J., Boehm G.W. and Hill S.E. (2021). Sex differences in the impact of childhood socioeconomic status on immune function. Sci Rep 11, 9827.
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- Gilbert, G. E., Paganotti, L. Franklin, A. E., & Bauman, E. B. (2023). The difference between quality improvement and human subject research: Foundational Support. Journal of the Association for Vascular Access, 28, 12-18.
- Rogers, B. & Franklin, A. E. (2023). LCJR reliability for scoring written reflections after asynchronous simulation and feasibility/usability with novice nurses. Nurse Education Today, 125, Article 105769.
- Ross, J. G., Meakim, C. H., Latz, E., Arcamone, A., Furman, G., Prieto. P., Reynolds, K., & Franklin, A. E. (2023). The effect of multiple-patient simulation on baccalaureate nursing students’ anxiety and self-confidence: A pilot study. Nurse Educator, 48, 162-167.
- Rogers, B. & Franklin, A. E. (2022). Describing learners’ clinical judgment trajectory after observing expert modeling videos: A mixed methods study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 73, 37-47.
- Franklin, A. E. (2022). Clinical FACTS: Simulation and clinical faculty time study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 65, 49-56.
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- Bashore, L. M., Daniels, G. L., Borchers, L. A., Howington, L. L., & Cheek, D. J. (2018). Facilitating faculty competency to integrate genomics into nursing curriculum within a private US university. Nursing: Research & Reviews, 2018(8), 1–7.
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